The best way to be IELTS-prepared
Tested with thousands of students
Overwhelming positive feedback
All you need to succeed!
- Line charts
- Pie charts
- Maps
- Essays
With our IELTS mock tests your four skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing will be tested, with the same content, structure, timings and question types as if you were taking the real IELTS test.
Mock Test Timing
Our mock test lasts 2 hours and 45 minutes for the 4 skill tests, just like the real IELTS test, 30
minutes for the Listening part, 60 minutes for the Reading part, 60 minutes for the Writing part and
15 minutes for the Speaking part.
Our mock tests have 2 modes, Practice mode where there is
time limit to help you familiarize with the structure of the test and the type of questions and Test
where you have the same timing as the real IELTS test where you can’t pause and need to finish each
consecutive part